Saturday, October 8, 2011

Teachers Teaching Teachers!

INFO: ON WEDNESDAYS! (9pm Eastern)

The "Teachers Teaching Teachers" chat was so exciting! (Classroom 2.0 - EdTech Talk)
10 teachers from around North America came to chat about education, with no particular topic in mind but plenty of interest. This session began by one teacher, Valerie, expressing her trouble with getting support for implementing technology into her classroom. Their school was fighting just to get computers!! (which I found completely shocking to say the least). Valerie teaches English at an elementary school and wants to implement blogging into her lesson plans but can't because she doesn't get much support by her "conservative district". Computers?! Really?! Is that not a necessity in every school at this point? I was shocked... we moved on...

This got us talking about conservative fears about students stumbling over material they aren't supposted to see. One teacher pointed out the fact that students are using the internet and experiencing this content elsewhere so it makes more sense for them to have the guidance of educators to assist or redirect them. Something she said that I thought was fasinating and extremely truthful was, "the risk in not letting them have access to roam the internet is worse than letting them". So true.

In my opinion, students should be encouraged to explore topics, communicate with others, and be active and independent learners. You can learn an unreal amount from sitting infront of a computer with every bit of knowledge only a click away. I would say the opportunities with the internet compare greatly to that of a ginormous library (and keep in mind, I'm an English major who LOVES literature but I can admit to the array of educational information you can find online).

Last thing I promise! One teacher bought up his unique way of beginning each class by incorporating technology into his lesson plans. He teaches Photography and he begins each class with Flickr pictures that his students have taken and he has a class conversation about the techniques used in the picture. Amazing way to integrate technology with some positive reinforcement!
P.S. this can be done for English or other topics using  Blogger or other writing tools
P.P.S. I have added this interesting idea and more to my "How to Incorporate Technology into The Classroom" blog, check it out!


  1. Hi Amanda, Thanks for talking about this Classroom 2.0 talk! It sounds like a lot of interesting topics came up even though there was no agenda for the meeting - fantastic. I think I'm going to try to attend the next 'Teachers Teaching Teachers' on Wednesday night.
    Cheers, Em

  2. It is definitely surprising to see that some districts are not supportive of things like blogging. To me, this shows a lack of understanding of how blogging can contribute to learning more than anything. Lack of computers is a reality in schools still today though. At my placement school, the computer lab and library have to be booked weeks in advance because there is such high demand for them.

  3. Wow! What a great post. I am sorry that I did not comment on it earlier. I would have liked to have been part of that one.

