Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Professional Learning with Lisa Neale

Last week, Zoe arranged for Lisa Neale to come into our Technology class and discuss the education of the future. That is, an education where technology is not only easily accessible, but also central to student and teacher learning.

Lisa Neale is the one and only Principal of 21st Century Fluencies for the HWDSB. A comment I found particularly interesting was the notion of "blended learning" and how as people, we naturally blend our personal and our professional life, in addition to physical and virtual modes of learning. As a teacher candidate, I (we) cannot ignore the needs of today's learners. To engage today's students we must incorporate technology and the idea of blended learning, which takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Power of Virtual Learning

This year, I have chosen to take an optional course that addresses Technology in the Intermediate-Senior classroom. As of yet, I am thoroughly pleased with my decision. I chose to take the course because I am not the most...let's say..."tech-savvy", but I am extremely aware that my future students will be experts. Not only that, I understand that it's the digital age and social media is the biggest thing "since sliced bread" and don't forget -- it's here to stay!

Our first assignment was to pick a Virtual Associate Teacher (VAT) and follow them on Twitter to see what an experienced teacher is doing and saying about education (and other topics). It has only been 2 weeks and I have learned a lot from mine! Michelle Solomon is a passionate English and media studies teacher that teaches both in and out of the classroom. Michelle created "#K12Media", which is a discussion on twitter regarding a topic that is chosen (using a poll) for that week. So far we have looked at the Media Literacy Key Concepts in relation to social media and the news.

Here, take a look at the key concepts: Media Literacy Key Concepts

So for example, the first concept is "All media are construction"; tonight had a discussion about how to teach the news as both a relable source and a media construction. We came up with a number of ways to incorporate media studies into the classroom. In terms of the news as a construction, we talked about comparing the differences between visual and non-visual reports,  those across different media (i.e. paper, tv, radio...), and assignments associated to exposing students to the techniques of news art (you could call it). I suggested giving each student a list of the same facts and having them write a news report. The students could compare their stories and indicate the differences in their individual frames.

Anyways, very interesting conversation! I'm so happy with my VAT choice because we have such similar interests. Michelle is an innovative educator that I can learn a lot from.
I will continue to provide more on my experiences with tech and education!

Stay tuned and don't stop learning!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where to begin...

As the new school year begins, I embark on a journey that brings me one step closer to my passion of becoming an educator. I entered Brock's Faculty of Education with high expectations and so far, (unbelievably enough) my expectations have been exceeded. I cannot begin to explain the quality of the instructors at this institution. I envy these teachers for their talent, hardwork and experience; I cannot wait to move forward and learn from their knowledge.With role models like these, how can anyone not want to replicate them? They change lives, I can't wait to do the same.

Until next time.